How To Use the Support Center

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We want to solve your problem as fast as we can, and we must have your help to do that. Problem solving is a team effort!

FIRST - Read the Product Manual

Click the Product Help menu Manual command. Search the Table of Contents for where your question may be answered. Use the links and the on-screen back arrow to navigate through the pages. You can also use your Internet Browser Edit menu Find command to search for keywords or parts of error message text. The less you enter, the better your chances of finding and exact match for your entry.

Support Center Search
  1. In the Knowledge Base Search field, enter a few unique words that are found in your question, problem, error message, etc.. NOTE: This search is currently NOT very good at showing you existing answers that match what you enter. We are working with the software vendor to improve the search capability.
  2. Click the Search button beside the Text Entry field.
  3. PLEASE READ ALL PRESENTED ARTICLES. There are many answers already in the Knowledge Base and your question is probably answered in one of them.
  4. If no articles appear, edit or enter more words that describe your need and click the Search button again.
  1. If you are registered in the Support Center, which is completely separate from the Forums and your Store Account, skip to the Log in Section below.
  2. Register creates your Username and Password. This identifies who you are so we can find your records. It also allows you to view your Support Tickets, which are private.

    1. Click the blue Register link in the Log in/Register box.
    2. Enter your name and email address so we can locate your record.
    3. Choose a Username (anything you want us to reference you by) and Password (6 or more letters and numbers mixed). Write them down somewhere so you can find them when needed. Click the Forget Pass? link to have your password emailed to you.
    4. Enter your Day phone number in case we need to call you.
    5. Click the Register button. If your chosen Username or Password are already in use, you will be asked to choose a new one.
    6. You will see a message that an email has been sent to you. Find it in your email program and click the link within the email (do NOT click your Reply button) to confirm that "you", not someone else, is registering. If you didn't get this email, check the email address you entered and make sure it is right. If it is, then wait for the email to arrive as your email provider has delayed it.
    7. When you click the link your registration will be complete and you have your Usename and Password. You now can login.
Log in to Submit or Read Tickets
  1. Enter your Username and Password in the fields and click the Log in button.
  2. Before entering your text, please read the guidelines below.
  3. Choose the correct department to submit your question. Support is knowledgeable and equipped to help with problems. Accounting can handle billing or payment questions. Sales only handles questions before you buy.
  4. When MTU answers, you are sent an email with a link to click. Answer any questions we ask with as much detail as possible (we must have facts to help diagnose problems).
  5. If you don't understand our questions, tell us and we will reword them.
  6. You can submit more facts to a Ticket from your own research to help us identify the problem.

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Follow these guidelines when asking others for help... whether free or paid.

  2. CLEARLY DEFINE YOUR QUESTION. Read twice before submitting to be sure there is a clear question that we can understand and answer.
  3. DON'T COMPLAIN! Complaints are just negative emotions. Give us facts and we can help you solve your problem.
  4. DIAGNOSING UNUSUAL PROBLEMS takes longer and more facts. You are the only one who can try things to discover what is happening. Work with us, and together we will solve your problem.
  5. PUNCTUATE AND CAPITALIZE properly when you write. We must be able to understand to help you.
  6. BE POLITELY PERSISTENT if you don't think we have understood your problem. However, do not expect answers over the weekend, holidays or at night.
  7. INSULTS??? A positive attitude will open your mind to receive help, and encourage others to give you their time for free. If you are insulting, no one will give you free help. Enough said.
  8. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, if you are not able or willing to follow our instructions, find someone nearby to solve your problem. Computer software or hardware problems can ONLY be solved remotely when you follow our directions.

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